Monday, August 6, 2012

Healthier Me; Happier Me!

I am happy and proud to announce that the last week has been a SUCCESSFUL diet week. I watched what I ate, I only drank one pop, I drank lots and lots of water! I worked out, I did Zumba, I rode my bike, and I did a workout from an app on my iPhone called 'Workouts.' That made me rather sore so I wasn't able to work out Saturday, or bend over or walk normally for that matter, but I suppose the soreness is a good sign that muscles are being put to work! Sunday I was still a little bit sore but I had planned on riding my bike later in the evening but went over to Patty's to swim instead. When I got there he was mowing (push-mowing). I think I've only push mowed a lawn once in my life and I'll be honest, the loser in me thought it looked like fun so I made him let me do his front yard, keep in mind it's a good size yard and has a slight slope to one side of it., so I started and I was thinking to myself, man this is fun! HA! That changed real fast. That was a lot of work! Each step I took that mower seemed to get heavier and heavier! And since my legs were still pretty sore and tight it added another challenge to the activity. At this point I was no longer feeling guilty for not working out Saturday, my heart rate and pumping and i was sweating up a storm! I decided this was today's work out. Today (Monday) I am still a little bit sore so I am going to take a day off of a cardio workout and possible just go for a walk later this evening to give my legs a change to fully recover so I can get a few good workouts in this week but still be able to walk. I can already tell changed after a week, I am sleeping better, which alone in itself is a miracle for me! I have also found myself having more energy and a better attitude. Although I won't see any physical changes for a while, I am happy to have the mental and emotional changes. I am feeling good about myself and that's an amazing feeling! Something I don't get to feel very often! It can only continue to get better from here! I am anxious and happy to see the future results! The next thing I want to start doing it doing a food journal. That way i can keep myself accountable and see where my problem areas are. I think I will start that today! First entry: coffee. Go figure! :)

I am going to starting adding other things to my blog besides just fitness. I am going to be adding whatever is on my mind and today, It is forgiveness. This passage comes to mind:
Ephesians 4:31-32
   "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." 

This is screaming at me today. I know what I need to do. It's time to do it. 
God is good. His word is true and it works in my life. 
