Sunday, March 22, 2015

Road Rage from a One Year Old

Pack, drive, breathe and repeat. That is my life for the past 3 months. That is all I do. I live out of bags, haul my kid around like a wondering gypsy, and spend obscene amounts of money on gas. So here's the deal. I live in Lacrosse. My internship is in Warsaw and my boyfriend, Justin, lives in Garrett. So let's break this down a bit? Shall we? LaCrosse is north west. Roughly 70 minutes from Warsaw. Garrett is east towards Ft Wayne about 65 minutes. My internship is during the week but no set schedule. I see Justin on the weekends. So I drive. All the time. My poor child spends so much time in the car and after a few days of a plethora of driving you can tell he is just over it. But boy does he handling it like a champ. Which I can't help but thank God for such a carefree boy. Bennett's life has been less the routine since he was about 4 months old. We moved, he changed sitters, I changed jobs, we moved again, again, new sitter and we moved again. Now luckily he stays with me all the time but still, we are rarely in the same place for more than a few days, we rotate between my grandparents, our house and Justin's house. He is usually pretty happy at either of the three places. He just goes with the flow even though I know its hard on him. It shows. It shows every time I put his little booty in his car seat and he looks up at me with those big blue eyes with his mini-Stef face "like really mom? This again?" Haha. He's such a trooper. I could not imagine my life without his spunky little spirit always making me laugh. I am truly a blessed Momma.