Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bad week...gone great!

This week was a roller coaster to say the least! It was a week of extreme lows and incredible highs. I started my week of at a GYM! Yes, you read that correctly a gym. Its FitnessUSA and I absolutely love it. Unlike Gold's gym where its all about body builders and skinny people every where, FitnessUSA is no judgement, relaxed and just a better yourself kind of atmosphere. As soon as I walked in to start a 10 day free trial, I knew it was the place for me. So far I've done cardio and swam. The feeling of working out again is amazing but the feeling of being back in the indescribable! I felt like i picked up exactly where I left off...which would have been the fractured hip situation and my body definitely felt that! Aside from being a little bit sore, I still feel encouraged about it. I'm really excited to keep going and maybe meeting some new people while I'm there. I have been doing well about keeping my calorie goal also. I've been under everyday except for yesterday and I've worked out 3 days last week but I would like to get that to 4 and hopefully 5 this week. PJ even noticed I'm loosing weight and he is the most oblivious person ever! I'm feeling great about this! Can't wait to keep at it and challenge myself physically this week! 

God is love.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Encouraged & Energetic

Ta-Da! Finally I can start a post with good news!! I have cut my portion sizes down to about half, I have cut all dark pops out of my diet, I have been watching what I eat, how much I eat and what times I eat. I have been trying to work breakfast into my diet so that I'm not hungry all day and I'm taking a vitamin everyday that speeds up my metabolism. Today was my last day of sweets and even before today I was only have one or two a week. I FINALLY found a cleanse that I am going to do as soon as it comes in the mail and I found a workout program that they used on Extreme Makeover (the one about people). It seems very doable! I am excited to start that tomorrow! Overall, I am very proud of myself and things are going great and I know they will continue to do so! I have also read a few studies that show that the music you listen to while working out can make an impact too! Hip-hop seems to be the recommendation of most trainers so this was code for Justin Bieber for me of course. Aside from my diet/fitness life seems to me moving along at an accelerated pace! Its already the 5th week of the semester! Holy cow! My classes are increasingly challenging and definitely the most thought I've had yet, however, my hospitality class ranks at the bottom of my degree of difficulty scale so that's encouraging! I'm excited for next semester, (which I've already registered for, way to go me being on the ball!) because I have 3 HOSP classes and one marketing class. So far this semester I am doing pretty well and learning how to apply myself better and time things out. Work on the other hand is a whole different issue. To say I am not happy with my place of employment would be an understatement. They are not good about working with my schedule and checking my availability that i have now changed twice because of them. Sometimes the environment is so hostile it just sends me to tears. I have started to look for other jobs that may better suit my schedule. Tomorrow well actually in roughly 50 minutes, PJ and I will have been together for 6 months and couldn't be happier! All in all Life Is Good

Fitness Program 

Pray about it.