Sunday, November 4, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude and Thanks; Days 2, 3 & 4.

So obviously having the mentality that I would have time to post everyday was a little crazy! But none the less, I am going to try to do it about every 3 or so days. With my busy schedule that's more realistic! So here we go...

November 2nd, I am thankful for my wonderful friends. Though we may not always see each other as often as we like or talk as much as we should. I know if the time came where I needed anything then none of them would hesitate to help as much as they could. They're supportive when I need it and honest when I don't want to hear it. Like everything else in life these friendships have their ups and downs but in the end there is that bond that is unbreakable! I wouldn't trade my friends for anything!

November 3rd, I am so incredibly grateful for my boyfriend. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't make me smile, make me feel loved and always tells me how much I am appreciated. He is such an amazing strong person. He doesn't let things get to him, which he is helping me learn to do. He enjoys the little things in life an always makes time for himself which I admire more then he will know. He can make me laugh until I am years as anyone who knows me can tell you how important laughter is to me. He makes me feel like the most important thing in his life and there are no words to express how much that means. I thank god everyday for putting this man into my life. I don't know what I would do without him!

November 4th, today I woke up not feeling that well, nor have I for the past week and I've been complaining an bitter about it all week, my illness is a minor thing, just some heartburn and discomfort from needing to get my wisdom teeth extracted. However, there are people of all ages, races and walks of live fighting for their lives everyday from various diseases. So today I am thankful for my health. I have had my ups and downs with my health, from eyesight to reproductive system issues and by going through those things it makes me truly appreciate my health and the luxuries I have everyday from being healthy. God has truly worked in my life by standing by me as I went through these things and allowed me to continue to live a full healthy life!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Season of Changes

Holy Moly! So much to cover! Where to begin, well let's start with the diet, still happy to report GOOD NEWS! I am down 30 pounds, a shirt size and two pant sizes! I am at the lowest weight I have been since high school. Not to mention I can't tell you the last time I was down to this size in pants! I am watching my calories like a hawk! I am really good about staying under my goal, of course I still have days where I go over, It's those dang sweets, they call to me! Haha And then there is my gym life. I love it. The gym has quickly become my happy place. I spend A LOT of time in the pool, I found a great site for swimming workouts that focus on a different aspect of the sport. They're perfect! I also seem to be a terrible judge of time and seem to get to the gym right as water aerobics is like a 70 year old woman, I've been doing water aerobics occasionally! LOL it's fun! I've also gone to zumba, which is way more intense that what I remember, and leaves me sore for a few days after. I am enjoying pushing myself and discovering new ways of making exercise fun! 
School is going well for the most part, this semester seems to get more and more challenging each week! The homework keeps pilling on! I am still doing really well in 3 of my 4 classes. The fourth being accounting, that is a whole different ball game. I am struggling majorly in that class! Yikes! I started a new job, one at Jimmy John's that I absolutely LOVE! It is perfect for me! No more hang up clothes and cleaning up after lazy people! My crew is so fun! I am thoroughly enjoying it! 

I have been trying to better my attitude and be a more positive and grateful for the blessings in my life so to help with that I am going to be doing '30 Days of Gratitude and Thanks' each day I will make a post about a few things I am grateful/thankful for, whether them be major influences in my life or even the small things we forget about. Feel free to comment and add things you're thankful for as well! 

Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! ~Psalm 95:2

November 1st; I am thankful for my amazing family, my Dad, Sister and extended family. We've been through our fair share of heartache and tragedy yet we can still stand by each other, support one another and come together when any of us need anything. I am also thankful for my Mom. Though we didn't always see eye to eye and pushed each others buttons, I've come to be grateful for those petty fights and differences because they provides us with a great foundation for the relationship we have now. I know I can turn to her for anything and she is always there to listen and help however she can. I am grateful she was able to find a great guy like Jim also. He has stepped up and been a third parent and been there as I've needed him over the last few years also. I am blessed to have the support system I do in my family. On a lighter note I am also thankful for Coffee. It fuels me everyday and honestly brings me joy. It's one of the smallest things in my life that I truly love. 
Favorite Quote

Love my Mommy!

Cousins are free friends!

Built in best friend