Sunday, November 4, 2012

30 Days of Gratitude and Thanks; Days 2, 3 & 4.

So obviously having the mentality that I would have time to post everyday was a little crazy! But none the less, I am going to try to do it about every 3 or so days. With my busy schedule that's more realistic! So here we go...

November 2nd, I am thankful for my wonderful friends. Though we may not always see each other as often as we like or talk as much as we should. I know if the time came where I needed anything then none of them would hesitate to help as much as they could. They're supportive when I need it and honest when I don't want to hear it. Like everything else in life these friendships have their ups and downs but in the end there is that bond that is unbreakable! I wouldn't trade my friends for anything!

November 3rd, I am so incredibly grateful for my boyfriend. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't make me smile, make me feel loved and always tells me how much I am appreciated. He is such an amazing strong person. He doesn't let things get to him, which he is helping me learn to do. He enjoys the little things in life an always makes time for himself which I admire more then he will know. He can make me laugh until I am years as anyone who knows me can tell you how important laughter is to me. He makes me feel like the most important thing in his life and there are no words to express how much that means. I thank god everyday for putting this man into my life. I don't know what I would do without him!

November 4th, today I woke up not feeling that well, nor have I for the past week and I've been complaining an bitter about it all week, my illness is a minor thing, just some heartburn and discomfort from needing to get my wisdom teeth extracted. However, there are people of all ages, races and walks of live fighting for their lives everyday from various diseases. So today I am thankful for my health. I have had my ups and downs with my health, from eyesight to reproductive system issues and by going through those things it makes me truly appreciate my health and the luxuries I have everyday from being healthy. God has truly worked in my life by standing by me as I went through these things and allowed me to continue to live a full healthy life!

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