Thursday, January 24, 2013


Whoa! Slow down time! So many changes are happening I can't keep up! Let's see here...where did I leave off? Beginning of December, December was crazy busy but it kept my mind off of things that were going on. I got through finals with the help of the gym and tanning bed. I was never a big person on  tanning but I've grown to love it and it calms me down! The semester came to a stressful end! But I passed all my classes and even somehow managed to raise my GPA! Yay! Christmas good to me, more then I deserved, I loved spending so much time with my friends and family. Christmas also brought some heart ache. My relationship of 10 months came to a hurtful and bitter end. I am grateful for the time I spent with PJ and the ways he helped me learn and grow. He is a great person and I wish him nothing but the best. I started the new year out with a great group of friends! School is going well, my job is going well, I think i am in the running for a promotion, but with school and everything I'm not so sure if I will be able to balance it but hopefully with summer coming I will be able to challenge myself at work! Unfortunately my diet hasn't been as successful lately, the holidays and winter break put me into a downward spiral of eating. I am starting to get back to my routine and stopped eating things I know I shouldn't be. I can honestly say I am happier now that I have been in a long time! I am so beyond blessed

On the other side of fear lies freedom


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy about all of the positive things going on in your life. Love and Miss you
