Thursday, May 10, 2012

Baby Steps bob, Baby steps.

From couch to a 5K in 10 weeks. 
That's exactly what I have started. I am doing a program that i found on Pinterest of course, it is a program for running. It takes a person who never runs to being able to run a 5K in ten weeks. Most weeks I am required to run 3 days a week, other weeks its 4. I started this week on Monday walking 5 minutes, running 2 and then walking 5 more. The program stresses the importance of a warm up and cool down which i like because it helps to stretch out my leg muscles so they do not feel so dead at the end of the workout. I also like that it has a time limit, its a great mental motivator for me. Of course I take my phone and listen to music during this time. I think I might start taking the dogs too. The exercise would be good for all three of us. Aside from Monday, which was my birthday, I have done very well at watching what I eat. Several of the sites I have looked at say to log what you eat to keep track of dieting better. I think i might start doing that. It would help me see my problem areas. 
  Overall I have felt much better about myself this week, even if i can't see a physical change yet, i can feel my increase in energy and an self esteem boost!
Birthday Dinner at Soho Japanese Bistro

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcake... calories overload but so worth it!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

[discontentment] restlessness. (Gloomy)

Lately my life style has been lazy and careless. I have not been watching what I eat, when I eat or catching my portion sizes. I have been feeling really lousy about myself. I've been lacking energy, not sleeping well, and overly emotional and moody. I think is all mostly due to not taking better care of myself lately. I can't handle it anymore. I always make excuses about why I can't work out and why I eat the way I do, well that changes TOMORROW. I am sick of feeling like crap, its summer time, I have no job, no school and loads of free time. This is the summer I better me; {Physically, mentallyemotionally and spiritually.} I am determined to stick with it, it will not be a diet, it will be a life style change. I will be healthier and happier! I am so excited and inspired!