Thursday, May 10, 2012

Baby Steps bob, Baby steps.

From couch to a 5K in 10 weeks. 
That's exactly what I have started. I am doing a program that i found on Pinterest of course, it is a program for running. It takes a person who never runs to being able to run a 5K in ten weeks. Most weeks I am required to run 3 days a week, other weeks its 4. I started this week on Monday walking 5 minutes, running 2 and then walking 5 more. The program stresses the importance of a warm up and cool down which i like because it helps to stretch out my leg muscles so they do not feel so dead at the end of the workout. I also like that it has a time limit, its a great mental motivator for me. Of course I take my phone and listen to music during this time. I think I might start taking the dogs too. The exercise would be good for all three of us. Aside from Monday, which was my birthday, I have done very well at watching what I eat. Several of the sites I have looked at say to log what you eat to keep track of dieting better. I think i might start doing that. It would help me see my problem areas. 
  Overall I have felt much better about myself this week, even if i can't see a physical change yet, i can feel my increase in energy and an self esteem boost!
Birthday Dinner at Soho Japanese Bistro

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cupcake... calories overload but so worth it!

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