Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Surprised? Yea, me neither.

Oh go figure, I didn't follow through with another diet or exercise plan. I am the only one to blame. Last Friday I took one of my former daycare students to the HealthWorks museum. There was a interactive scale and mirror attraction that was for adults and kids, you stepped on and it told you your height and weight and whether yours were proportionate. Obviously I am fully aware that mine aren't and haven't been for a long time. It was hard to see it in bold green letters telling me that I am unhealthy at age 22. Since then I have had a heavy heart and knew it was time for a change. If i don't change things now, Its going to become to late. I have a brand new bike, two dogs that love to go for walks. Live by a park with walking trails, live close to a river walk, have a WII with the Zumba workout game. I have run out of excuses and am tired of being tired and not being able to do things that I want to do because I am unhealthy and overweight. Today i was careful of what I ate and drank no pop and only my coffee and water. I watched my portion sizes and of course right now I am starving but I WILL NOT EAT AFTER 7PM! I will fill myself with water and let my stomach shrink down. I will make a fitness pledge that starts today. I will exercise 4 days a week for at least a half hour. I will do and COMPLETE the "21 Day No Junk Challenge". I will better me, for me. For my future family. Because I owe myself this opportunity. I will be successful and confident. 

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