Monday, June 6, 2016

The whole 30

This post is going to be raw, honest & real. I need to be honest with you but mostly because I need to be honest with myself. I have always struggled with my weight because of various health reason but mostly from poor choices and pure laziness. I could always justify my weight with excuses and looking at others who were heavier than me and telling myself "well I'm not that big" but I'm finally realizing I am that big. October of 2015 I went to my Dr because I just was not feeling well most of the time. I was always nauseous, dizzy and sweaty. After some tests and talking she told me the devastating news I NEEDED to hear. At 24 years old I was prediabetic. I needed to make a life change. If not for me than for my two year old son.

I made changes right away. I ate better I started working out 4 or 5 times a week. I started feeling good and I could tell a difference in my body. Then the holidays rolled around and I made excuses about eating poorly and being lazy and went right back to my poor ways. I went back to the doctor for a follow up and she got real with me. She told me if I don't start taking better care of myself I was going to become type 2 diabetic and insulin dependant. This scared me. I didn't want to lose my life to this. I want to be around to watch my grandkids grow up. I want to be healthy and have energy to play with my son. To run, jump, climb rocks and play trucks. I wanted to better myself for him and as well for me. I owed myself that much. I started making changes and doing better but it seemed like when something little happened I went back to my old eating habits. I never made it a priority to stay in routine.

Well the time has come. The time is now. I'm done with excuses and being lazy and justifying my laziness. I am over weight and I'm ready for that to not define me. I want people to see me for me and not my weight.

So here I am. I am starting the 'The Whole30'. I think it will be a struggle and I fully expect to mess up but I think this will be the perfect change to Jumpstart a healthier new life style. I'm so ready to begin and do this for me. I'm ready to learn how to love me.

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