Thursday, February 2, 2012

First of many!

Today I took a HUGE step in the right direction! I ran for the first time in probably three or more years. I only went eight tenths of a mile and only about a pace of 2.8 miles per hour (handy facts all from an awesome APP on my iPhone, RunningMate) but none the less I ran. It felt good and also incredibly painful at the same time! I stared out by only running a block and then walking a block. Mentally it was a successful system because I could always see the end of the block so I could keep telling myself "only this much farther, only two more houses, etc."  It helped a lot! I also motivated myself with music of course! Today I listened to "Tyga Station" on Pandora. Rap seems to be the best motivator for me!
 I got back to my house and collapsed on my front porch! I haven't been that exhausted since swimming! It was a good feeling to know I had pushed myself, I felt pretty dang good about myself! I am also amazed by how much energy I have right now! It is incredible! I am getting things done and feeling great while doing it! I have also started taking B12 which is a metabolism/energy booster, although at first it took my stomach a while to adjust to (Go figure with my sensitive stomach!) I am seeing the benefits during the day and have an easier time waking up and feeling refreshed.
Next step: making better food choices!


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